STEMfest 2024
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Why Join

Why you should get involved

Transform your perspectives through in-depth engagement with leading science and education conferences, events and activities.


Participate in active research discussion, policy collaboration and academic seminars across all of the four disciplines of STEM Education sector.

Global Membership

Membership available across the world for educators, academics, scientists, industry professionals.


Meet and network with partners from academic institutions and industry partners that have a commitment towards progressing STEM education for all.

Event & Activities

Join our unique annual conferences and activities across a number of countries around the world.


STEM Community

The mission of the International STEM Council is to promote and expand opportunities in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic sectors - particularly through the perspectives of education and public policy development.

Through partnerships with global organisations and universities we provide a common platform to organise cutting edge events, conferences and meetings.

Our annual International STEMfest conference has previously showcased a myriad of exciting topics and discussions presented by keynote speakers who are backed by academic research and acclaim.

Join us in developing and creating a better future for all based on the best of STEM research and principles.


Latest News


Past Host Cities

Kuching - Malaysia

Saskatoon - Canada

Mysore - India

Halifax - Canada


Event Schedules


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Sponsors & Partners

  • Location

    545, Marina Rd.,
    Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard,
    Dubai 123234

  • Line Phone

    +977 20 271043

  • Mobile Phone

    +977 722 225591

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Contact us for any further information at any time